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Today's Hours: 9 AM – 9 PM

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Librarian curated recommendations

Looking for more information on topics in the news and in the world?

Our librarians have organized lists of books, movies, music, podcasts, organizations, resources, etc. that can help you find the information you’re searching for.

Need info on a different topic? Contact our librarians at 815.436.6639 or by email us at for help.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

Antiracism and Black Lives Matter resources


Climate Change resources

Digital Currency

Fake News

Fraud, Scams and Identity Theft

Freedom to Read

Gun Debate

Homelessness and Poverty


Mental Health



Roe v. Wade

Russia/Ukraine Crisis

Space Exploration - 20th Anniversary

Supreme Court of the United States

Understanding the Israel–Hamas War