What is cannabis?
Cannabis refers to a group of three plants with psychoactive properties, known as Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis. When the flowers of these plants are harvested and dried, you’re left with one of the most common drugs in the world. Cannabis is usually consumed for its relaxing and calming effects. In some U.S. states, it’s also prescribed to help with a range of medical conditions, including chronic pain, glaucoma, and poor appetite. Keep in mind that while cannabis comes from a plant and is considered natural, it can still have strong effects, both positive and negative. (Healthline)

Addictions, substance abuse & alcoholism
The benefits of medical marijuana : from cancer to PTSD by Leigh Claybourne
Cannabis for chronic pain : a proven prescription for using marijuana to relieve your pain and heal your life by Rav Ivker
Cannabis for Dummies by Kim Ronkin Casey
Cannabis jobs : how to make a living and have a career in the world of legalized marijuana by Andrew Ward
CBD : self-care secrets to hemp-derived wellness by Blair Lauren Brown
The CBD bible : cannabis and the wellness revolution that will change your life by Dani Gordon
The essential CBD cookbook : more than 65 easy recipes for everyday health by Caroline Hwang
Medical marijuana : the complete guide by Craig Tomashoff

Center for Disease Control and Prevention | CDC
Medical Cannabis Patient Registry Program | Illinois Dept of Health
National Cannabis Industry Association
National Institute of Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health | NIH
Society of Cannabis Clinicians
United Cannabis Business Association
World Health Organization | WHO

Movies and streaming
The Path Forward for Cannabis Legalization Nationwide | SXSW 2021
Scientists Discover The Origins of Cannabis | Cannabis New 2021
- The Cannabis Question | NOVA/PBS 2021
- The Science of Marijuana | Great Courses 2015
- Weed, Greed, and Legalization 2019
- About Cannabis and Cancer | 2019
- Cannabis Evolution | 2019
- Cannabis and Your Doctor | 2019
- CBD Nation (available as a DVD and Streaming in Hoopla)

Gov. Pritzker Signs Most Equity-Centric Law in Nation to Legalize Adult-Use Cannabis | Press release/
7 facts about Americans and marijuana | Pew Research Center
After 50 Years, U.S. Opens The Door To More Cannabis Crops For Scientists | NPR
Cannabis (Marijuana) and Cannabinoids: What You Need To Know | NIH
Cannabis smoking lounges off to successful start in Illinois. | Chicago Tribune
CBD vs THC vs Cannabis: What’s the Difference Between Them? |
Types of Weed (Cannabis) and Strains | Verywell Mind
What are the Health Benefits of CBD—Cannabidiol? | Health
Everything you need to know about cannabis | Medical News Today
FTC and CBD: Latest case challenges unproven health claims | FTC
H.R.3884 – MORE Act of 2020 Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment & Expungement Act |
Illinois Marijuana Sales on the Rise Again, With $132 Million of Cannabis Sold in April | ETFMG
Is marijuana safe and effective as medicine? | NIH
Medical Marijuana FAQ | Web MD
MORE Act: Federal Cannabis Legalization Reintroduced in House | JD Supra
Not Your Grandmother’s Marijuana | Yale School of Medicine
Questions still surround cannabis use and public health | AMA
A Quick Take on Cannabis and Its Effects | Healthline
Substance Use – Marijuana | Medline Plus
What Is Marijuana? | NIH