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The Library is open during renovations. 

Today's Hours: 9 AM – 5 PM


Book Donations

Book DonationsThe Library is happy to accept book donations for fiction and non-fiction books, music (CDs) and movies (Blu-Rays and DVDs).  Please contact the Adult Services desk at 815.327.2515 or by email at to see if we can accept your donations at that time.

The Library is unable to accept magazines, textbooks, encyclopedias, newspapers, VHS, computer software, electronics or office supplies.

Donations must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Due to space and storage constraints, the Library is able to accept only two bags or boxes per donation.
  • All materials donated become the property of the Plainfield Public Library District and not all items donated will be added to the collection. The majority will become part of the ongoing book sale, which generates revenue used to purchase new materials.
  • Please donate only recent materials (within the last five years).
  • Please be sure donated items are in good condition. Ripped covers, musty books, broken spines and books that have been written in are not accepted.
  • The Library cannot place a monetary value on books donated but will issue you a receipt indicating the total number of books donated.
  • The Library does not have help on-site to unload your donations; you must be able to bring these in yourself to the Adult Services desk on the upper level.  Do not leave materials in the book drop or on the sidewalk. 
  • Materials that are donated to the Library must be in containers that do not have to be returned.

Special Instructions for Large Donations

Because of space constraints, we cannot accept large donations of books and other items. The Goodwill Store & Donation Center of Plainfield generally accepts book donations.  Please contact them directly for information on donation procedures.

Monetary Donations

Monetary donations are a wonderful way to honor loved ones. Your gift makes a difference in the lives of the people we serve. If you would like to make a monetary donation to the library, you may do so by credit card online through this link (includes a processing fee) or mail a check to:

Plainfield Area Public Library
Attn: Finance Manager
15025 S Illinois Street
Plainfield, IL  60544