Resources for Teachers
The Plainfield Area Public Library offers a variety of services to all preschool, elementary, middle and high schools in the Plainfield Public Library District.
Preschool Services
Preschool Visits
Preschool liaisons visit area preschools throughout the year. Each visit lasts 30 minutes, has a special theme chosen by the library and is comprised of stories, songs and activities. If you are interested in a visit from the Library, please email School Services or call the Youth Services desk, 815.439.2877.
Teacher Request for Materials
Do you have special unit coming up? Would you like some help finding books on a specific topic? We would be happy to pull materials for you, just fill out the form below. Please allow seven days to fill the request.
Teacher Request for Materials Form
Visits to the Library
Would you like to bring your class to the Library for a special storytime? Just contact School Services.
Grade School and Middle School Services
Book Talks
School Liaisons are happy to come and book talk books from the Monarch, Blue Stem and Rebecca Caudill Award lists to your students. Please contact School Services to arrange a time.
Special Programs
Each month the Library offers programs to support timely themes (Black History Month, Poetry month, etc.) as well as specially designed programs by the school liaison to support PSD202’s curriculum. If you are interested in learning more about these programs or would like to arrange for a presentation to your class, please contact School Services.
Teacher Request for Materials
Do you have special unit coming up? Would you like some help finding books on a specific topic? We would be happy to pull materials for you, just fill out the form below. Please allow seven days to fill the request.
Teacher Request for Materials Form
Visits to the Library
Would you like to bring your class to the Library for a special visit? Just contact School Services.