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The Library is open during renovations. 

Today's Hours: 9 AM – 5 PM

Technology at the Library

Technology TrainingComputers and Printing

The Library has Windows 10 computers available for kids, teens and adults.  Sessions default to one hour with the option to extend an hour at a time.  If you do not have a Plainfield Library card, stop by the Adult / Youth Services desk for a guest pass.

NOTE: During the ongoing renovation, we have a limited number of computers available.

Children under age 11 must be under the supervision of an adult while accessing the internet.

Printing costs 10 cents a side in black & white and 50 cents a side in color.  Printers accept change, cash and credit cards (Visa or Mastercard).  There is a 200 page printing limit per day.

WiFi and Wireless Printing

Free WiFi is available inside the Library.  Simply log on and select “Plainfield Library Guest” as your wireless connection; no password required.

Wireless printing documents can be sent in one of 3 ways:

Self-Serve Scanner and Fax

The scan station is located adjacent to the Adult Services Desk on the upper level.  It offers several scanning options, including scan to fax, email, USB, smartphone/tablet, and Google Drive.  Documents can be scanned and saved as PDF, DOC, TIFF, and JPG.

GoGo Gadgets

Read an eBook, check for heat loss in your home, learn to play the ukulele, convert old home movies, stream Disney+ and more!  This growing collection of equipment and technology can be accessed here.  Items check out for 7 days* ($1 per day fine for each day late) and can be renewed once, if no holds.

*Exception: Hotspots, Kindles and Rokus check out for 21 days.

Tech Classes

Technology Training

The Library offers a quarterly rotation of core technology classes.  Examples of these are one-hour classes include:

  • Computer Basics
  • Microsoft Word
  • Intro to Excel
  • Intermediate Excel

In addition to core technology classes, the library offers a variety of classes on other tech-related topics like Google Suite, 3D Printing, and more.

Visit the Events Calendar to discover and register for our Tech Classes.

Tech Help/Book a Librarian

Tech Help appointments are one-hour sessions for those requiring one-on-one instructional or research assistance on using library and technology resources.  Tech Help sessions can be held in person or via Zoom.  Appointment times are dependent on staff and student availability and are scheduled by the librarian providing the appointment.

To schedule a Book a Librarian appointment, please fill out the form.  Questions?  Contact the Adult Services Desk at 815.327.2515 or email Reservations are dependent upon staff availability; please allow 48 hours advance notice.

Book a Librarian request form