Mental Health
Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being, and affects how we think, feel and act. It is how we cope with life, how we handle normal life stress, relate to others, work productively, look after our wellness and happiness, and experience the ability to feel, express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions.
Where You Can Find Mental Health Help:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Will County Health Department/Behavioral Health

Are u ok? : a guide to caring for your mental health : how to know if you need help & where to find it by Kati Morton (available in print)
The better brain : overcome anxiety, combat depression, and reduce ADHD and stress with nutrition by Bonnie Kaplan (available in print)
The complete mental health resource guide 2020/2021 (available in print)
A cure for darkness : the story of depression and how we treat it by Alex Riley (available as a book on CD and in print)
The end of mental illness : how neuroscience is transforming psychiatry and helping prevent or reverse mood and anxiety disorders, ADHD, addictions, PTSD, psychosis, personality disorders, and more by Daniel Amen (available in print)
The hilarious world of depression by John Moe (available as a book on CD and in print)
Nobody’s normal : how culture created the stigma of mental illness by Roy Richard Grinker (available in print)
Together : the healing power of human connection in a sometimes lonely world by Vivek Hallegere Murthy (available as a book on CD and in print)
Your brain is always listening : tame the hidden dragons that control your happiness, habits, and hang-ups by Daniel Amen (available in print)
Everything is OK by Debbie Tung
You Are Not Alone by Ken Duckworth

American Psychiatric Association
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention/Illinois Chapter
ADAA: Anxiety & Depression Association of America
Asian Mental Health Collective
National Federation of Families
NIMH: National Institute of Mental Health
NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
CDC: Center for Disease Control and Prevention
SAMHSA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
WHO: World Health Organization

What Doctors Wish Patients Knew To Improve Their Mental Health (AMA | Dec 1, 2023)
5 Tips For Maintaining Your Mental Health While Watching the News (CNBC | Oct 13, 2023)
5 tips from mental health experts on transitioning out of COVID restrictions (PBS| May 31, 2021)
30 Top Mental Health Organizations & Charities
Causes of Mental Illness (WebMD)
Medline Plus (Mental Disorders)
Naomi Osaka Reveals Mental Health Struggles — And Other Athletes Rally Around Her (NPR| June 1, 2021)
Perspective: Mental Health and the Covid-19 Pandemic