The Seed Library is returning for the 2025 growing season on Wednesday, April 2
The Seed Library contains a wide range of vegetable, flower, herb and native seeds to plant and enjoy in your home gardens.
All seeds are free and open to any garden enthusiast. Seeds will be available first come, first served (while supplies last – the Library will not hold seeds for patrons). Variety availability will change throughout the season.
Please be courteous – seed library etiquette is to take no more than 10 packets per day.
A very hearty thank you to the following companies who generously donated seeds to our Library:
Harris Seed Company | High Mowing Organic Seeds | Hudson Valley Seeds | Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply | Seed Savers Exchange | West Coast Seeds
Donate Seeds to the Library
Do you have leftover seeds in need of a home? The Library happily accepts seed donations to be added to the Seed Library.
A donation box is available next to the Seed Library. We can accept leftover seed packages or seeds harvested from your own gardens. If you are interested in donating seeds, please include the following information on the bag/envelope:
- Plant name (Botanic Name preferred)
- Growing requirements (light, height, spacing, etc.)
- Is the plant poisonous?
- Were the seeds harvested locally?
- Year of purchase/harvest
- Are these hybrid (F1) or patented seeds?
- If the seeds were harvested from your garden, were they grown near other plants of the same type or family? (e.g. jalapeno peppers near sweet bell peppers; sweet corn near broom corn; beets near swiss chard; cabbage near kale)
Learn more about seed donating in Seed Sharing Guidelines from Seed Library Network.
Garden Plots
Garden plot applications will open April 2, 2025 at 9 AM. Spots are limited.
What can I grow?
Not sure where to start on a 5’X10’ plot? We’ve got suggestions! You can also check out the Old Farmers Almanac for more planting ideas.
- 9 tomato plants
- 4 pole beans or trellised pea plants and 3 trellised cucumber plants
- 8 pepper plants and 2 tomato plants
- 6 pepper plants and 4 compact climbing plants (cucumber, beans)
- 100 root vegetable plants like onions, beets, turnips, carrots
- 15-18 branching flowers dahlias, cosmos, larkspur, zinnia, calendula
- 20-24 upright flowers like sweet peas, gladiolus, snapdragons or sunflowers
NOTE: Please do not grow the following types of plants:
- Perennial vegetables and herbs (garden plots may be tilled in the spring)
- Garlic
- Strawberries
- Mint
- Morning Glory
- Ground-spreading vine vegetables, including pumpkin, gourd, and melon