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The Library will be closed on Friday, February 21 until 1:00 PM due to Staff Training. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Today's Hours: 9 AM – 9 PM

Meeting Room Policy

The primary purpose of the Library’s meeting rooms is to support library functions, meetings and programs. When available, the Library allows public use of the Library’s meeting rooms. The policies governing the use of the meeting rooms are in accordance with Article 6 of the Library Bill of Rights.  

Use of Library Meeting Rooms

The Library has two meeting rooms. The Large Meeting Room has a capacity of 60 people and the Small Meeting Room accommodates up to 20 people.

Priority in scheduling the use of the meeting rooms shall be given in the following order:

  1. Library-sponsored programs and meetings
  2. Meetings of official agencies, committees and boards of governmental entities located within the boundaries of the Plainfield Public Library District
  3. Educational, cultural, civic and public information events of organizations and individuals located in the Library’s district.

The following table illustrates examples of allowed and prohibited uses of the Library meeting rooms. It is not an exhaustive list.

Allowed Use Examples
Prohibited Use Examples

Non-profit group informational meetings

Social gatherings, such as a baby shower

Civic organizations

Installation ceremonies

Local clubs

Business use, such as trainings or interviews

Homeowner association meetings

Tutoring services

Local school-sponsored club meetings

Rallies or demonstrations

Meeting Room Reservations

A meeting room reservation must be made using the Library’s online reservation system found on the Library’s website:

A valid, adult Plainfield library card in good standing is needed to reserve the room. The library card holder must be present to check in to the room and stay for the entire meeting. Reservations are restricted to non-profit groups and individuals only.

Reservations cannot be made more than six months or less than 48 hours in advance of the requested date. Individuals and groups will be restricted to two reservations per month.

The rooms are available during Library hours and must be vacated 15 minutes prior to the Library’s closing. The use of Library equipment must be requested at the time of the reservation.

A non-refundable $25 fee per use of the room is required at the time of the reservation. Contact the Library to cancel a reservation. Reservations cannot be transferred to other individuals or groups. The Library reserves the right to cancel any reservation at any time. If the Library must cancel a reservation, the fee will be returned.

General Information

  1. Use of the rooms must not disrupt the use of the Library by other members of the public.
  2. All meeting rooms and grounds are restricted to not-for-profit groups only.
  3. Meetings must be open to the public and not restricted to a group’s own membership except as required by applicable law.
  4. No admission charge, collections or other money-raising activities may be attached to any meeting conducted in the Library’s meeting rooms or on Library grounds, unless all proceeds go to the Library.
  5. No food or drinks, with the exception of water, are allowed in the meeting rooms.
  6. No illegal, incendiary, or hazardous items may be used in the Library.
  7. The room have tables and chairs available. Individuals and groups may move the tables and chairs to suit their meeting.
  8. The Library is not responsible for possessions left in the room or on the grounds.
  9. Use of the Library’s telephone in meeting rooms is restricted for emergency use only.
  10. Library staff is not available for porter service or custodial help
  11. The Library does not supply space for groups needing a place to store their supplies or equipment.
  12. Minors must be under direct adult supervision at all times.
  13. Groups using the meeting rooms and grounds are responsible for leaving the room(s) and/or grounds as they found them and reimbursing the Library for any damage that may occur to Library-owned furniture, equipment or to the Library facility and grounds.
  14. Except in an emergency, the emergency exit door in the large meeting room must remain closed at all times.
  15. Individuals and organizations reserving a meeting room are responsible for their own promotion of the meeting. Promotional materials must state the Library is not associated with or a sponsor of the meeting. The Library is not to be included as a source of additional information.


Failure to comply with the Library’s meeting room policy will result in loss of meeting room privileges. 

The Library Director or designated person in charge is empowered to make decisions regarding the availability and use of the library meeting rooms and grounds.  Requests for exceptions to the above rules must be submitted in writing to the Business Office.


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